7 Circles is a private IP network running BGP, built for the benefit of it’s users and it’s creators. We operate a private network for the function of providing internet access services and infrastructure so it’s users can stop relying on large companies for there internet use
We’re a home for those who are considered unwanted by many. The world of today is cold, money driven and cruel. We’re a place to rest and recover. In effect, we’re living in a world of our own making
Proudly pro trans and pro equality!

Looking for more info about me, the creator of 7 Circles? I have my own homepage now! Click here to get brought there < 3
You’re beautiful
And evil too
Sinister and vile
For you, I’d die
Or kill myself
Whichever makes you smile
And if I succeed
I’ll count all your teeth
I’d swing from the gallows and wave
And there, from the noose
Lest you cut me loose
I’d carousel into my grave~