Quotes of Truth

“7 Circles is your answer to a world that does not want to be happy”

“Queenstown is not near Christchurch.. It’s on the same island” – Lily / Lucy

“Oh, Virra is in control of the ass right now” – Ashley

“When I was born I slid out like a snake”- Ashley

“Catan only causes fighting and inbreeding” – Lucy

“I’m here to chew ass and kick bubblegum, and I’m all out of ass– wait no no no” – Amir Beckett

“If I ever get in an accident and I’m about to die, I need you to roll death saving throws for me. If I fail, put me on DNR.” – Misty

“Fuck you, waterfills your house” – Martincitopants

“My thing is turning orange because I was rubbing off on it” – Ashley Rose

“A responsible sister would stop you from doing that, good thing I’m only a half-sister! | AVENGE ME ASHLEY” – Nikki

“No brain only chain” – Virra Rose

“Sisters are better hot” – Ashley Rose

“Love me, hate me or don’t care about me, just don’t lie to me”- Lucy

“Like all things in life the solution is inventing time travel” – Ashley

“I’d rather have someone’s indifference or contempt than the menace of their conditional tolerance”

“Smooth spud moment”- Lily

“Eat rock become pigeon”- Lucy

“Eat brick become crow”- Lucy

“You either die a pigeon, or live long enough to become the crow”- Ashley

“DOGS!… Oh no wait those are children.” – Lucy


“Same brain, different system” – Lucy

“Honesty without empathy is transparency” – Lucy

“An economy built on endless growth is unsustainable

“The only infinite thing is the average person’s stupidity” – Ashley

“A guillotine can’t kill a good vibe” – Ashley

“I don’t suck dick unless it’s cotton candy flavored” – Virra

“No you in fact will not rip my ass with a toboggan” – Lucy

“I do not consent to my ass being ripped apart by toboggan”- Lucy

“When you are finished changing, you are finished” – Benjamin Franklin

“The Only Constant in Life Is Change.”- Heraclitus

“Heraclitus, I believe, says that all things pass and nothing stays, and comparing existing things to the flow of a river, he says you could not step twice into the same river.” – Plato

“There is nothing permanent except change”

“People don’t change, they just grow more into who they really are.” – Arthur Morgan

“Yesterday, I was clever, and so I tried to change the world, Today, I am wise, and so I change myself” – Rumi, Maybe?